1. Find the registration code yourself

Generally you will receive the registration code via e-mail within one hour after the successful order. Copy and paste that link in the mail to activate and log in iFastime user account with email address and password to achieve registration code and software install file.

2. Mail to customer support

Send email with product name, order number and order invoice included to retrieve software registration code as well as install package mail to admin@ifastime.com

Related FAQs:

1. How come I get an “Invalid code” error when I try to register the program?

Please double check the registration code is same as the one in your user account, and make sure all letters are capitalized, do not leave any space in the beginning when you fill the key code into "Register" option.

2. Install program on another PC

If you have ordered one license, that means you are only allowed to use the program on one computer. But you are able to install the program on another computer under the circumstances: you have removed the program from previous computer beforehand, or the other computer has been formatted already. Just make sure the license code is not used on more than one computer at the same time.

3. I lost all the info about my order, how can I retrieve my registration code?

Any related information (order number, email address, order invoice/receipt, email from iFastime, confirmation mail of successful purchase, etc.) could be used to get back software install package and license code. Email to admin@ifastime.com and we will help get back your order details including install file and registration code.

4. Why does the software leave no space for me to enter my registration code?

There are two versions for each iFastime program, and you installed a trial version when you fist tested it. Please do uninstall the trial program from your computer, and then download and install a full software package, now you would see space for registration code.
